I think by this point on our ten-day cruise, everyone on the boat was ready for a day at sea to relax, but it was not to be. The fourth stop was Stockholm, Sweden. We were greeted with partly cloudy skies and beautiful weather when we arrived in port. It was slightly warm in the… Continue reading Stockholm, Sweden
Saint Petersburg Day 2
After a very long first day, we had a bus tour of Saint Petersburg where we could stay on the bus and not have to do anything. Both my son and my daughter were asleep on the bus 10 minutes after we pulled away from the boat. I was not paying attention to whatever the… Continue reading Saint Petersburg Day 2
What are you waiting for?
Can you imagine it? Can you dream it? Can you believe it? These are all questions you may ask yourself if you were in my shoes less than a year ago. I started to dream again after 40 plus years. I began to imagine myself doing things I didn’t dare think about for the last… Continue reading What are you waiting for?
Saint Petersburg, Russia Day 1
Day 1 in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Travel now, life is not guaranteed
Do not pass go, do not collect $200. I remember my mom used to say this to me all the time when I was a kid. Of course, she was talking about the famous board game Monopoly. My parents and I used to play board games a lot. I actually hate that board game today,… Continue reading Travel now, life is not guaranteed