Do you have or are you currently looking into a home-based business? Maybe you’re getting your feet wet with doing your “thing” on the side of your 9 to 5 job to help make ends meet. Perhaps your passion is your side job and not your main job? I know several cake decorators who work… Continue reading Elevate your home-based business
One day in Paris, France
We only had 1 day to show our kids Paris, and the tuk-tuk tour did not disappoint.
Disneyland Paris
We disembarked the Disney Magic in Dover, England. We weren’t 100% sure how we were getting to Disneyland Paris.
Fredericia, Denmark
Our last stop on our 10-day European cruise was Fredericia, Denmark
Helsinki, Finland
After two amazing full days in St. Petersburg, our next port of call was Helsinki, Finland. A small city located on the coast of the Baltic Sea in a sparsely populated country but with very friendly people. Founded at least around 1150 A.D. it was usually under Russian rule and/or Swedish rule. My daughter and… Continue reading Helsinki, Finland