This post is a little different this time as I wanted to take the time to stop and acknowledge an important person who is no longer with us. My family recently lost a close family friend last week, and we are still in some ways reeling from it. My daughter was a part of our… Continue reading Life’s hellos and goodbyes
Category: Personal
Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
This post is a little different as I took a trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula without my family. As you may or may not know, my son Austin has been a member of the Boy Scouts since he was eligible when he turned 11 years old. Before that, he was a Cub Scout since he… Continue reading Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
If you must travel during a Pandemic
It’s far from ideal to travel during a pandemic. Your doctor will not give you the green light to do it, nor is the U.S. State Department or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Global COVID-19 Pandemic Notice. However, the urge to leave your house is an urge that cannot be ignored for long for… Continue reading If you must travel during a Pandemic
Cape May, New Jersey
So my wife and I are feeling a little anxious, and we finally booked a getaway trip to Cape May the other day. Since several plans fell through this year and we’ve resigned ourselves to staying local and just hanging out in the backyard. Those of you that have ever been to Cape May will… Continue reading Cape May, New Jersey
I need a break!
Gimme a break! I used to love that show. Don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry, I won’t go explaining here. Let me repeat that – Gimme a break! I realize in the context of what’s happening all around this country, this is the last thing I need to be complaining about, but I… Continue reading I need a break!