I remember when we saw the ship’s itinerary, I noticed the stop before Saint Petersburg, Russia we were going to a place called Tallinn, Estonia. I didn’t know anything about Estonia except it was under Soviet control until the fall of the USSR. I don’t think we ever expected much out of Tallinn but, like… Continue reading Tallinn, Estonia
Traveling Lightweight
Do as I say, not as I do. No matter the climate or whether it’s multiple climates you will be traveling to. There are always things you can do to lighten your load when you’re packing a suitcase. Unfortunately, on a personal note, I tend to pack on the heavier side, however, I tend to… Continue reading Traveling Lightweight
Starting our vacation in Copenhagen, Denmark
We landed in Copenhagen on Wednesday late morning after an excruciatingly uncomfortable and long flight. I hadn’t been overseas with my wife since 2004 before we had kids. We were all very excited to start our 2-week vacation. We had been planning this vacation for at least 10 months and could scarcely believe it was already… Continue reading Starting our vacation in Copenhagen, Denmark
A little traveling advice based on my last trip
My wife and I recently went on a 2- week Northern European vacation as you may or may not know. I just wanted to give you a couple of bits of advice I think might be beneficial to anyone reading this that travels even a little. About a month before the trip, my wife brought… Continue reading A little traveling advice based on my last trip
Not enough time at home? Wanna travel more?
Anyone out there enjoy traveling as much as I do? Anyone wish they could travel more? I might have a solution for you. Do you remember when you were young and you dreamed of what you’d do when you grew up? What was it? An engineer, a doctor, a car designer or a ballet dancer?… Continue reading Not enough time at home? Wanna travel more?